Monday, 13 June 2011

sometimes its worth the wait.

It has been a while since I blogged anything, however I could not let this pass without a post.
I recently spent a wonderful day at Pickleberry Papercrafts making something beautiful with the truly fantastic Jane Dean. (Yes you are Jane x)

The day was spent creating this....

There is no glue involved this it compleatly stitched together. fabric and paper alike.

I am going to use mine to store business cards in. I have collected a few on my travels that I have already sewn in. However I am on the hunt for more. So if you have a card that I could add, I would love to see it in my book.

I am going to collect lots of gumph when we go off to the New Forest later this year and make one all about out Holiday. I cant wait.

Well I expect you have seen enough now so I shall love you and leave you.
If anyone did pop by Huge Thanks.
Leave a little comment and I promise to use the link to pop by your blog and in return share the love. x x x


  1. Judith this looks so pretty, would send you my card but they are so dull and would look out of place amongst such girlyness!! :) Sounds like you had a great day with Queen Jane and the Pickleberries, not jealous at all xxx

  2. Lovely, great idea about the business cards xx


Many thanks for taking time to look and comment.